If they answer not to thy call walk alone, This is when these words… “Ekla Cholo Re… Walk Alone…” bring meaning to life.

However, life’s strange & this world is a crazy place… so there are situations, moments when there is no one to listen to your cry, to dispel your worry & tell you to move on… There is no one to inspire you to live life, once more! Especially, this is a something most youngsters feel… And many a time, they do find a friend, a relative, someone to inspire them to get up, shrug worry off their shoulders & get back to work again & believe that all is well, “You’ll fulfill what you want to”. You need someone to let you know that they’re there & that you’ll be able to do what you’re here to do.
You have a lot to do don’t know how to do it… There’s a lot you want to accomplish, many hopes, many aspirations, but again you’ve no idea how to go about it. From the outside, you’re laughing, joking, doing what you’re supposed to do, life seems great! But, from within, you feel lost… as if the fire within you dying out. We feel as if there is no one we can call out to… no one who’ll understand. There are moments in life, when we all feel alone. These words by Rabindranath Tagore ji got me thinking… and alas! My thoughts ‘inspired’ me to write this blog! OR listen to it on youtube: Original | Hindi Translation (which I can understand) You can read it in Bengali/Hindi/English here: “Ekla Cholo Re” is a poem written by the great Indian polymath, Rabindranath Tagore. Sounds strange? Why would I like to begin my blog with this? “Ekla Cholo Re… Walk Alone…” is the title of my very first post. This is all about me for now… you’ll learn more about me as you read on 🙂 Hopefully, this would be an easier & ‘less time consuming’ way of expressing myself out to the world. I’ve always been passionate about writing (usually poems & stories), but considering life’s got me quite busy lately (or perhaps I’m lazy? :p) I decided to start blogging. So, you can say that this blog is a collection of my ‘strange’ but nevertheless inspiring ideas, thoughts or reflections on life. From a very young age, I’ve always had what people call “strange ideas about life”. Interestingly, my name is also “Prerna” :p However, this blog has nothing to do with me whatsoever. When we forget to live life, inspiration is the thing which gives us hope & teaches us how to live life, once again! On a dark road where there is no light, inspiration is the light which shows us the way. Something each one of aches to get in life. If you know Hindi (my mother tongue), then you would probably know what the word “Prerna” means. (The web address reads ‘prernaa’ :p ’cause, ‘prerna’ wasn’t available) First of all, welcome to my blog- PRERNA.